Terms of Reference for Consultant Category A
Name: TBD
Job Title**: Senior Gender Expert to support the CFS Workstream on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Division/Department: ESA
Programme/Project Number: GCP/GLO/---/MUL
Duty Station: Rome
Expected Start Date of Assignment: 15 February 2021 Duration: 100 calendar days
Reports to: Name: Francoise Trine Title: Senior Food Security Officer
* Please note: If this TOR is for Consultant / PSA.SBS contract, the minimum relevant experience required for the assignment is as follows:
1 year for a category C 5 years for a category B X 12 years for a category A
** Please enter a short title (max 25 chars) for this assignment.
The post is located in the Secretariat of the Committee of World Food Security (CFS). The Secretariat provides technical support to the Committee, its Bureau and Advisory Group (AG) and its subsidiary bodies and working groups. CFS is a UN Platform for a broad range of committed stakeholders to work together towards the elimination of hunger and the achievement of food security and nutrition. The post is funded under the Gender Multidonor Project.
The Committee decided at CFS 46 in October 2019 to develop Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition as part of its 2020-2023 Programme of Work. The process will start after the endorsement of the Terms of Reference for the Guidelines at CFS 47 in February 2021 with the preparation of the Zero Draft of the Guidelines. It is expected to be completed with the endorsement of the Guidelines at CFS 50 in October 2022.
The expert will work under the overall supervision of the Secretary and the day-to-day supervision of the Senior Food Security Officer who coordinates the activities of the CFS Gender Workstream and in close collaboration with the Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group on Gender (OEWG). S/he will have a university degree in a relevant field and will be knowledgeable through formal education or experience on nutrition and food security policy issues.
S/he will assist the CFS Secretariat in compiling and analysing inputs, views, and suggestions from the members of the Technical Task Team on Gender (TTT), gender experts involved in the expert consultations, CFS members and other stakeholders in a meaningful, professional, evidence-based manner and prepare and finalize the Zero Draft of the Guidelines. S/he will attend TTT and OEWG meetings.
His/her main tasks will be the following:
- Participate in expert consultations, summarize the discussions, and help identify sources of relevant information and opportunities for further outreach;
- Draft an annotated outline of a Zero Draft of Voluntary Guidelines and finalize it, incorporating inputs from TTT and other experts involved in expert consultations;
- Prepare a preliminary version of a Zero Draft that will be shared with the OEWG and finalize it, incorporating inputs from the OEWG and in close consultation with the Secretary;
- Provide technical inputs and advice to plan successive activities for the preparation of the Guidelines.
Expected Outputs: Required Completion Date:
- Informal summary of the discussions of the expert consultations: By end of March 2021
- Annotated outline of the Zero Draft of the Guidelines drafted: By 31 March 2021
- Annotated outline of the Zero Draft finalized: By 12 April
- Preliminary versión of the Zero Draft finalized and shared with OEWG: By 22 April
- Zero Draft Finalized: By 28 May
CVs from highly qualified candidates by Thursday 28 January COB
Contact Francoise.Trine(at)fao.org to apply
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