To read the full job posting and apply, please visit the UNICEF website. The closing date is February 12.
Purpose of the Position
Within the context of UNICEF's overall strategic priorities, research undertaken at OoR-Innocenti currently incorporates a strong analysis of gender issues across all areas of work. The Office now aims to strengthen this capacity by building a gender research programme that addresses critical gaps in UNICEF's research and analysis on gender issues, and informs UNICEF's programming.
To this end, OoR– Innocenti seeks an experienced gender researcher committed to advancing women's and children's rights and enhancing gender equity in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. The post-holder will lead the development and implementation of a research programme that addresses key issues and constraints to achieving gender equity
The position offers an exciting opportunity to build an innovative research programme within UNICEF that enhances an emphasis on gender issues, engaging closely with researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and other actors who rely on evidence to improve outcomes for women and children. The post-holder will work with colleagues in the Office, and other parts of UNICEF, Regional and Country offices as well as the Gender Section in Programme Division to build on the existing portfolio of research to develop new projects and coordinate existing research on gender. Areas of current focus include: adolescent wellbeing and empowerment; poverty, inequality and social protection; violence, child protection and child rights. This position should strengthen the capacity for gender analysis within the Office, while also engaging with gender experts across UNICEF to enhance knowledge and share evidence on gender issues and analysis.
Development of the research program would be guided by the following points of departure:
- A research focus with a specific child or adolescent angle, consistent with UNICEF's Strategic Plan.
- Scope that may cover a variety of contexts including challenging, fragile or humanitarian settings, or at the nexus of humanitarian and development interventions;
- Potential to examine different levels or domains of analysis including household and community; private and public institutions and relevant policies and systems.
- Use of rigorous research methods and analysis to fill identified knowledge gaps where child rights concerns are particularly strong and where UNICEF needs a stronger evidence base for programming, policy dialogue, and advocacy.
Builds collaborative networks and partnerships with diverse stakeholders including academic partners, policy actors and funders.
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