“If you want to change the world, invest in an adolescent girl.”
With these opening words to Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda, we inaugurated the Girls Count series, uncovering adolescent girl-specific data and insights to drive meaningful action to deliver concrete solutions to the challenges facing adolescent girls in developing countries. This growing body of work demonstrates how supporting adolescent girls between the ages of 10 -19 dramatically improves their lives and results in significant benefits for their families and communities.
Despite the growing community of implementers, researchers and advocates who support programs that address the specific needs for adolescent girls, there is still work to be done to address the challenges facing adolescent girls in the developing world.
To help you draw from the rich evidence base developed through the Girls Count series, we have pulled together compelling visuals from the reports for use in your own work and advocacy.
Each report in the Girls Count series offers compelling data told through charts, maps and graphs. We have assembled a selection of these visuals into a PowerPoint format that you can easily drop into presentations, reports or other media to make the case for girls. A set of slides that accompanies each Girls Count report can be found at www.CoalitionforAdolescentGirls.org.
Examples of the visuals available include:
- Graph of the percentage of adolescent girls (15-19) currently attending formal primary or secondary school
- Map of the percentage of young women (15-19 and 20-24) by country who are able to make their own healthcare decisions
- Graph of the percentage of adolescent girls (15-19) who reported having experienced physical and/or sexual intimate-partner violence and non-partner violence in the past 12 months.
- Graph of the percent of girls who express having little or no say in life events, such as when to marry, when to have children, and educational opportunities.
We encourage you to use these tools in your work to support adolescent girls.
The Coalition for Adolescent Girls website continues to grow and expand as new information and resources become available. Please continue to share reports, toolkits, and other resources dedicated to adolescent girls with us, and to use the Coalition for Adolescent Girls website as a digital hub for relevant events and publications.
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