The Agricultural Development Economics Division of FAO is currently preparing the State of Food and Agriculture 2010 on “Women in agriculture and rural development”. The report focuses on the important role that women play in agriculture and rural economies, the gender differences in assets and access to economic opportunities, and the potential gains from removing these gender differences. We also seek to identify policies and interventions that support women on the farm and beyond.
We would like to ask you to provide us with case studies or examples of best practices that have made a significant difference to rural women in developing countries on a large-scale. These case studies could come from a broad range of areas, for example:
- women’s access to land
-women’s access to modern technologies and inputs
- agricultural research and development
- extension service provision (public or private)
- social capital (formal or informal women’s groups and networks)
- innovations in water and fuelwood collection as well as transport
- credit, savings and insurance schemes
- rural non-farm employment
- policy reforms
We would appreciate it if you could send us references to interesting case studies or examples of best practices. Data-based case studies and examples from the Middle-East and Eastern Europe would be particularly appreciated. Contributions can be made in English, French or Spanish.
Many thanks in advance and best regards
André Croppenstedt
Agricultural Development Economics Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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