joint collaboration involving
Gender Equality Incorporated and Mosaic International, Inc.
July 19 - 23, 2010
Why You Should Attend? Organizations, programmes and projects are increasingly being asked to develop gender equality policies and strategies that seek to provide women and men with equal opportunities and ensure that there interventions are gender-sensitive or at the very least do not reinforce inequities. The gender training workshop seeks to provide workshop participants with core concepts, gender analytic frameworks and gender strategies that can improve the effectiveness of your organization, programmes and projects in working with vulnerable and marginalized women and men, boys and girls. The workshop will move you beyond the theory to apply in practical and useful ways gender analysis and gender sensitive strategies to your organization and its programmes and projects to achieve greater social justice, development and peace.
What Results to Expect? You can expect to enhance your awareness, knowledge and skills in any of the following areas:
* Mastering key concepts like equity vs. equality; division of labour, strategic interest vs needs, equal treatment vs equal opportunity, gender integration vs mainstreaming, etc…
* Reviewing key national laws and international covenants in the field of gender like the Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW and the Millennium Development Goals;
* Applying a gender analysis and developing gender strategies for your project or programme;
* Designing, monitoring and reporting using a gender lens and approach;
* Mainstreaming gender into your organization and undertaking gender audits.
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